
A word of warning: This material is not for everybody, but those that it is intended for can potentially benefit a great deal from it.

I am talking to the entrepreneurs who are not just conscious, spiritual, heart-centered and Soul-guided, but also rebellious and non-linear in their nature. I am talking to the ones who feel that something is really “off” about the dominant business and marketing teachings, the ones who want no part in the online coaching industry bubble, the ones who sense that there is more to this than mindset and strategy etc. I am talking to the entrepreneurs who want to take a peek behind the veil, and talk about business from the energetical perspective. I am also talking to the entrepreneurs who are highly sensitive and possibly Neurodivergent, and do not want to operate in capitalist realities that glorify hustle and equate self-worth and success with money.


If that’s you, read on – what follows is a transmission of my business philosophy, lived as a personal experience since my first business endeavor in 2013 and elaborated through having worked with dozens if not hundreds of entrepreneurs in various coaching, healing, mentoring and training scenarios.



There are 5 tenets of non-linear business that I currently see and practice.


One. The real nature of your business dictates the way it will unfold.


I see that there are three paradigms in business that are unfolding in parallel. This idea was inspired by Richard Rudd’s concept of three levels of frequency bands: survival, service, surrender. He explains it within the bigger scope of his Gene Keys teaching, and I extrapolate this principle onto business. However, in my use of it, it is pertaining to three parallel tracks, not a hierarchy- none of these ways of doing business is better or worse, they are simply different, and all of us are here to learn in our own way. Whichever track you choose from sovereignty and truth, is the right track for you (plus, you can shift gears at any time, if that serves you).


The survival paradigm is imbued with frequencies of fear and control. It equates business with making money. This is about doing more, making more, doing more – the hustle narrative plus the manipulative marketing practices all driven by capitalism, in essence. It is rooted in distrust and has no space for Soul mission – survival paradigm does not trust that you will be able to survive if you follow your Soul, it is trying to find a business that is a sure thing, hence the search for shortcuts and ready-made solutions.

Again, nothing wrong with this per se, especially if you are learning how to accumulate resources and/or simply doing what you have to do in order to provide for yourself. The thing to note here though is that a huge percentage of existing businesses in the coaching and wellness space are derived from the survival paradigm while masquerading themselves as service. They are driven by fear and the need to control, and no matter the branding, they are on a loop of chasing security and placing personal gain above all else. That’s why, in my estimate, about 80% of what we see online is just a well-branded shit show with no substance. Most of the dominant business paradigms are an artificial bubble. A pyramid scheme even – coaches coaching coaches on how to coach coaches. Those businesses are vacuous and void of real meaning, because they were not created to pursue a mission, but just to generate money (which is not bad…but then be honest about the intention behind it and do not pretend to be saving the world etc).


The service paradigm elevates into the energy of contribution, giving back to the whole, and giving. Normally it is powered by Soul purpose and desire to contribute to the world. However, here we find a possible energetical distortion of having a co-dependent relationship with one’s purpose and becoming attached to the impact you create, and buying into the narrative of having to heal or change the world. The danger in that is developing a messiah complex and/or a martyr syndrome, where your individual self-worth and sense of well-being becomes contingent on the impact you have on others – thus not allowing for true sovereignty. Powered by good intentions, this paradigm can, if you are not careful, plug you into co-dependent relationships with clients and burnout. If not contaminated by victimization, the service paradigm is beautiful in its ability to account for the greater good of the whole.


The surrender paradigm is where the people I have mentioned in the first paragraph are coming from when starting their businesses. And the problem is, 90% of existing business advice and training exists within the survival and (maybe) service paradigms, which means, the surrender paradigm Souls are not receiving the support they need. They often end up plugging into the survival paradigm and not fulfilling their Soul mission.

NB it is not like you have to switch to the surrender paradigm in order to succeed, this is not what this is about. What follows is intended as inspiration and encouragement for fellow surrender paradigm entrepreneurs.


In the surrender business paradigm, your business is not even yours. You are not in business because you want to be in business, or because you want to help the world or see problems to be solved…you are not even looking for a certain lifestyle or purpose, as this business is radically not about you.

Your business is an entity in its own right, and you are just a custodian. A truly non-linear business is not built, not developed - it is given to you by divine dispensation. Like your Soul has a task, a job to do, a message to share – and your business is an outlet, a Temple, a structure to hold that bigger mission. You have been appointed to do this, like a secret agent on a mission, and have no say in the matter whatsoever.

Your business is meaningless in and of itself, it acquires meaning through becoming the 3D interface for a specific frequency that is of service to the world and its people. The business comes to you naturally, you kinda fall into it, because there is no other outlet to hold you bigger mission. You might even be reluctant to do it, and have no attachment to your role as an entrepreneur – it is the necessary evil (for the lack of a better world).


If you feel that this is the kind of business that you have, you are in for a very interesting ride. You can throw ALL the business training and advice you have ever received out of the window right very now, as it is only polluting your space - unless it came from someone who is running a divine dispensation vessel state sort of business too.

Most business advice is coming from the frequency of survival, maybe touching into service, so whoever implements it can be successful within those two paradigms. Even conscious leadership and spiritual entrepreneurship content is often energetically rooted in the survival paradigm. I am yet to see business teachings from the level of surrender, because the surrender paradigm is just between you and God/Source/Divine (or whatever name you want to call it). It is your very personal living prayer, between you and your Soul, your will and Divine Will. It is your Temple, and nobody can mess with that. There is no blueprint for how to run this Temple; it is not strategic in any way, shape or form – because it is not even about success. The point of a surrendered business is not to become successful, it is not to make money or to make an impact…


No matter which paradigm you are coming from, ask yourself: what are you really building and why. What is the energetical nature of your business? Is this businesses even needed, or are you doing it for all the wrong reasons?

Many businesses are artificial or distorted. They are created for all the wrong reasons and therefore present a pretty façade but a vacuous empty core. Some businesses start off right, but get distorted later because they plug into the bubble and lose their substance. It is very tempting, because the bubble businesses project an image of success. You might try and apply their teachings but still not get anywhere, because your Soul is pulling the plug. It will course-correct you. So perhaps being stuck is not really being stuck, it is being saved from the artificial bubble.


If you are a deep Soul with a mission, going the survival route is a waste of your time. You need to unbind worthiness from success and self-worth from money. You need to think long and hard what success means to you, what impact means to you, and what your endgame is. Because in the surrender paradigm, your business is the vessel of your Soul’s work, and as such, it does not even interface with the notions of success or impact or self-worth, and it certainly has very little to do with money – all of these things co-exist with Soul work and can be seen as natural by-products of alignment and authenticity, but there is no direct correlation. More impact does not equate more followers. More self-worth does not equate more money. More money does not equate more success. In the surrender paradigm, you will attract people from resonance, not because you have a big following, and the way you impact people can be very targeted (e.g. you send someone an impulse, and then they become famous). Being famous and/or making more money is never the core motivation in the surrender paradigm.


So if you are building a surrendered business and not seeing big results quickly, it does not mean that you are doing something wrong. This is where it all goes off, and where distortions come in, and you can get hooked into the bubble…not seeing quick results makes you feel like something is wrong, and if you then plug into the survival level teachings, you get taken off track. Soul business does not care about quantifiable results, it cares about being in truth with yourself. It operates beyond space and time – that is why it can be slower and more quiet, but the degree of satisfaction and peace and truth that you feel is different. What matters is feeling in integrity with your Soul and doing what you were sent here to do.

Your greatest initiation in the surrender paradigm will be sovereignty – the ability to stay in your lane and do what you know you need to do regardless of what the world around you expects you to do and how it perceives you. Your main job is to not take advice from people, to not compare yourself to others, and to unplug from flashy symbols like “6 figures” etc.



Two. The frequency from which your business originated determines how it will unfold. Same applies to your decisions.


Your state of being is the inception point of everything. You will have to become very attuned to the energetical undercurrents of your business and of your reality, to notice their subtle shifts, undertones, and movements – so that you can stay in alignment and in pure embodiment of your Soul essence without getting swayed by external energy fluctuations. Here you are learning to be immune to collective delusions and to be your own direct dial-up line to the divine, as a pure vessel.

You need to understand the starting point of your business. Is it serving as the correct representation of your Soul mission?

If it was started out of greed or fear, so it will go on.

Get clear on what is truly driving you. Nothing is wrong with being driven by money – but then be clear on that. If you have a divine dispensation kind of business, most likely you are driven not by money and not even by impact…you are understanding on some level that this entire endeavor is beyond your control and you cannot not do it. It is moving through you not from you.

Check what’s driving every decision. For example, if you are posting on social media from fear of “oh if I do not post, I will miss out”, then you are coding your post with the frequency of neediness. That will create a ripple effect, and possibly repel people (even though on the surface level you have taken action and expect a positive result).  

If you try to engage any strategies or tools that are vibrationally coming from the level of fear and survival and greed, you will contaminate the frequency of your Soul mission. It will potentially side-track you, get you hooked into the business bubble with its fake paradigm, and stall your progress. E.g. you are trying to launch with fear-based funnels, and although you are doing everything correctly, it is bringing you nothing – because it is not aligned within your paradigm, it is not meant for you.


In the surrender paradigm, you will always be guided. The steps will be given – and they often will not make sense. Remove any and all fear because not only is it making you a vibrational match for suffering and attracts wrong clients, it is also taking you away from your truth and guidance. Do not do things out of obligation, to people please, or because it sounds like a good idea. Even if it looks great on paper, if it is not from guidance, it is then directly at odds with the pure energy of your mission, thus wasting your energy. In a Soul-given business, you will always be guided – you just need to keep your channel clear so that you frequency is not contaminated by distractions and distortions. Your job is to make sure that you are in the correct state to hear your guidance, discern it, and act on it without doubt, without distrust, without looping. On the practical level: stop consuming business advice from people who are not operating within the same paradigm. Stop watching what everyone else is doing, and stop trying to figure it out (because you can’t). Cultivate clarity in your energetical field and feel good, grounded, centered – BEING pure, BEING centered, BEING a clear channel.

NB what I always recommend is energy clearing. Check out my course, SOVEREIGN, for practical tools and high-level transmissions on being a pure vessel for your Soul mission on this Earth – learn all about it here >>



Three. Your business has no goal, and it is not required to make sense.


Your business was not created to reach a goal – it is just a playground. It will go the way it will go, because it is simply a playground. You do not run it, and it does not run you – you dance with each other.


Are you attached to your business? Do you define yourself through “success” or even “impact”? Any attachment will backfire because it is taking you away from being a pure channel.


The only way to drive it is through guidance.

What I find very helpful here is using Human Design, because it points out your specific energy mechanics and the way in which you are getting guidance. E.g. as a Manifesting Generator, my strategy is to respond, and my authority is sacral. So what I am doing is, checking: what’s exciting to create next, in response to the needs of my audience AND to the movements of the energies on the subtle planes? What is my life energy being made available for? I do not take my guidance from the mind, I do not even go around analyzing problems of ideal customers – that is all irrelevant, because all of this has already been given to me by divine dispensation. I literally go into nature, lean against a tree, feel good, and often then and there I receive guidance on what I am supposed to offer or create next. I trust that this has been given to me even before I was born, so I can simply download it and trust it. The entire mindfuck is taken out of the equation – but it only happens when I am in a pure space.


In the surrender paradigm, you do not derive satisfaction out of hitting a milestone or a goal. Yes it is nice, but you are on a mission regardless. And with regards to business strategy…it is not do-all be all, it becomes the structural support, the earthly blueprint for your business, the pillars of your Temple. It is like your constitution, but it is not the source of your success. Oh, and YOU are also not the source of your success – the Divine is, your Soul is. You are just the instrument.

Do not try to reverse-engineer this.

Any time I sat down and said ok now I am gonna figure it out and finally have a business model that will work for me long-term and give me predictability in my income….I got nowhere fast and with a migraine. My body literally rejected the idea of figuring it out. There was no life energy available for doing that.

Instead, my business unfolds moment by moment. There is very little structure but a lot of devotion. I no longer try to define my business once and for all. Being willing to operate from surrender, I am never left without something to do. I do less and allow more. I do not try to make it serve me and my agenda. I get out of the way, and let things get done through me, knowing that my only job is to be a vessel, to download my Soul mission and translate it into offerings and products and services within a field of communication that allows people to feel resonance (or not). My job is to be honest and to feel good, to be in this communion and in a living prayer. To me, my survival, my income, and my business are not related whatsoever (and not because I have other funds, I live from my work) – because I know that as a human being I can be resourced in so many ways, and my business is a portalway for money to come to me, but it was not created for that reason. There is no need to worry about it.


You cannot compare yourself to the people on survival and service tracks if you are the surrender track. Meaning, you might not be the most popular one or the most wealthy one. You can be extremely gifted and that might never translate into the amount of followers or even into money. Because the worldly measurements of success do not apply to non-linear businesses. There is something else at play, and it is mysterial and unknowable. The surrender paradigm people are “special edition”, not mass market – so it might not even be in the cards for you to become well-known, and that is intentional. You are still fulfilling the mission.


Non-linear business operates in defiance of capitalist realities.

Meaning, working harder and longer and faster will not necessarily equate more results…and neither will working smarter. Whatever you do in order to trick your business into becoming a success, will not work as it is directly at odds with the initial purpose of your business. It is like trying to tame divine timing or stop the rain from falling. Most often such actions of fixing and tricking are powered by the frequency of fear and therefore will not be supported by the greater good. Your Soul will not let you. That is why whenever you feel resistance, or procrastination, trying to bulldozer over it with productivity techniques is a fool’s errand. It will create further un-alignment and misery and only lead you down the wrong track. Instead, investigate your resistance and procrastination. What is your Soul trying to keep you away from? Are you really feeling resistance, or are you simply being re-directed?


Looking to tools or strategies for support is useless and not even needed, because it only muddles the water. When people start looking at others who are successful, they attribute their success to the steps they have taken and try to replicate that. This is a misattribution bias – you do not know what privilege they have that contributed to their results (e.g. a wealthy husband gave them money for running ads, and voila, a big following). You cannot get to your destination with someone else’s itinerary. That trap is the essence of the bubble that is selling people on ready-made solutions. If you’re too busy trying to do something that’s not yours to do, you will have no bandwidth to even notice what IS yours to do. So pause, and breathe, and investigate what is yours to do, and what is not.



Five. Your business is a mirror, and entrepreneurship is a spiritual path.


If your business in a divine dispensation and you are a vessel, then it is your job to keep your frequency pure and protect your business as an energetical entity from interfacing from untrue realities. Your main job is to be authentic and aligned.

Your business is the mirror of who you are being. To get a clear reflection of your essence and Soul mission, you need to dissolve all distortions that are obscuring the purity of your frequency. Who you are being is always felt, even when it’s not directly named. Let people feel you…

You will always be dancing with doing and being here. Meaning, it’s not like you do not have to DO anything in the surrender paradigm – you still need to leave your footprint in the 3D realm so that people can get in touch with you. However, you become very clear on the real nature of your actions. You no longer attribute success or failure to what you do – or to who you are being. Because you are no longer looking for any kind of trick, shortcut, quantum leap etc…You are just flowing and dancing with what is, knowing that your next step and your next right action are always being revealed to you. And because you are operating beyond the rigid confines of space and time, you cannot be bound to a 5-year plan or even to a quarterly plan. Your reality is always you mirror, and when you are changing fast, your business is changing fast too. There is literally no security, or even any need for security, because there is no fear. And where there is no fear, there is endless trust…which then begets absolute flow of being held and supported by life and by your very own self. What it looks like is, you are never abandoning or business or ignoring admin and things like that – but you are taking action from alignment, where there is no resistance because every action is the right one, so your entire system is on board. As stated earlier, Human Design is helpful here with its notions of strategy and authority and leveraging your intrinsic energy mechanics for getting into flow.


Bottom line:

Be clear on your why, and commune with your Soul to understand your mission and your assignment.

Treat your business as the Temple of your purpose.

Remove attachments to goals, results, formats, shapes, images, brands etc. – while using those as the basic carcass of your Temple.

Infuse your business with your essence, your core message, your vision.

Be an honorable custodian of the business through ensuring that you are centered, clear, in alignment, authentic, and in integrity.

Stay in your lane. Stop comparing yourself. Be careful with the advise you let into your space and who you invite into your field to support you.

Take your sovereignty back.

Minimize fear. Do whatever it takes to release the shadow frequencies that are muddling the water.

Build a rock solid relationship with your guidance, intuition, inner authority. Get daily guidance on what you are supposed to do next, and follow it no matter what. Trust your own knowing above all else.

Detach from linear time and quantifiable metrics.

Surrender to the process, and always put your purpose first.

Let your Soul lead the way.


Violetta Pleshakova