Solstice awaits - be that the longest and brightest days of the year in the Northern Hemisphere or the shortest and darkest in the Southern, the period of June 20-22 (and the entire week, actually) carries an immense potential for spiritual revelations, inner shifts, and breakthroughs in your relationship with your Light.

I am a big fan of the Wheel of the Year - the sacred, ancient tradition of honoring the movement of the seasons through the succession of holy days like Equinox, Solstice, Beltane, Samhain etc. to name a few.

The reason for that is: each of these holy days is an energetical pinnacle in its own right, a doorway into the unseen, an invitation to partake in The Great Mystery.

The Wheel of the Year is a sequence of portalways.

A portalway is an energetical threshold between dimensions, realities, and timelines.

It can present as an experience of concentrated energy that gives you access to specific higher-vibrational frequencies and states. A portalway can activate your special abilities, aid with healing patterns and wounds, elevate your consciousness, and help you make changes that were weeks in the making in the subtle realms.

Our ancestors knew the power of these milestones and honored them with celebratory ceremonies and rituals during which one chapter was closed and another one intentionally crafted. This allowed for the harvesting of precious lessons, assimilation of transitions, and completion of initiations. Without these clear milestones humanity is left adrift, stuck in mental loops, unable to find its way back to the nourishment that is organically available through tending to our earthly roots.

Beginnings and endings are all around us, but unfortunately, the pace of modern life disconnects us from the natural truth that is right in front of our eyes… In the chase of faster ascension, bigger manifestations, greater quantum leaps it is easy to lose track of what is simple yet essential - the undercurrent of Existence itself. Living attuned to the Wheel of the Year is powerful in its simplicity and potent in its accessibility as it requires nothing but the choice to become present to the movements of seasons and energies.

Perhaps, you are feeling the call to return to this nature-inspired, mysterial, non-linear way of life. If that is the case, then honoring portalways like Solstice is the perfect starting point.

To leverage the energy of Solstice (regardless of which Hemisphere you are in), consider tuning into your relationship with your Soul, your Light, your unique essence and Destiny. At the same time, inquire into the opposites - your Shadow, your subconscious, your karmic residue, your resistances. The interplay between these polarities is what is happening during each Solstice, providing an opportunity for the inner light and dark, mundane and magical, earthly and heavenly, masculine and feminine counterparts to re-negotiate their relationship with each other and arrive at a new equilibrium point.

Here are some reflections prompts:

What is my relationship to my Light? Am I owning it? Sharing it? Or am I still confining it, trying to control it, afraid to show it?

Do I feel connected with my Soul Destiny? Am I taking the steps required to walk my truest path?

In what ways am I possibly distracting myself from my real mission in this lifetime?

What veils between my Soul and my human Self am I ready to drop?

What Soul truth needs to be seen and named at this time? What does that mean for my human self and life?

NB - you are not meant to come to definitive conclusions on these, rather, you are designed to become the living answer to your own questions and prayers.

In addition to taking time for self-inquiry, I suggest you add a ceremonial element to your Solstice experience. It can be something simple e.g. a meditation in nature, an offering to the land and your ancestors, a personal ritual with meaningful items like crystals, and so on. The key is the intention behind your practice, not what it looks like - be sincere, and drop all concepts around what it must look like, letting your Soul take over. Trust that somewhere deep within, you know how to do this - your ancient Self remembers, and can show you the way.

PS: here is an invitation from my Soul to yours…

Join me on Saturday June 25th at 4 pm Berlin time for a paradigm-changing, timeline-shifting, heart-nourishing online event called SOUL FLAME.

It is a blend of workshop and ceremony that will harness the energy buildup of the Solstice week to create a sacred environment for your re-connection with your Soul purpose, highest Destiny, and purest Light. We will do energy healing work to help you get into deeper alignment with the path you are meant to walk in this lifetime. In basic terms, this is authenticity work but through the perspective of energy mechanics and frequency calibration.

NB - joining live on the 25th itself is not required for you to benefit from the offering - you can have an equally powerful experience when watching in replay, so if you can’t make it on the day but feel called (I know this is kinda short notice!) don’t let this stop you - I always include everyone energetically when delivering the transmission.

Explore and sign up here>>

Violetta Pleshakova