
Staying in a cozy comfy “spiritual closet” is no longer sustainable.
Not in 2020.
If you don’t get out of hiding by your own volition, you will either be pushed out, or locked in there for good.

Sounds like some gloom’n’doom scenario, I know. But I stand by my words, because I see how urgent the matter is.

This is no longer about playing around with oracle cards and crystals — this is about becoming as courageous as we are magical.

Consciousness without courage is unsubstantial, and magic without courage is just some wishy-washy “hippie shit”.

Without courage, all our self-development, spiritual growth, and energy activations run the risk of staying on the level of spiritual bypassing and not having the massively prophesized (or shall I say, massively advertized) planetary impact.

Courage will pave the way for the future of transformational work, and the future of leadership.

And courage will require not only finding our essence, but also expressing and embodying it to the fullest. Possibly in ways that we currently cannot even conceive of.

Meaning, I am not talking about posting a witchy meme on Instagram every now and then or discussing Mercury Retrograde with a colleague, and then claiming to “own your Priestess self”.

Nope, it is much more serious. It is structural.
I am talking about such things as: bringing energy work into the corporate world, teaching children to use their intuition, normalizing psychic abilities etc.These things is what I envision for the decade to come.
And to make it happen, we need to act NOW.

So my point is: if you wanna change the world
a) own your magic and
b) become courageous about it.

Therefore, if you think you can sit on your magical ass this whole bloody lifetime without coming into full unapologetic ownership of the gifts that have been bestowed upon you, you are deeply mistaken!

You didn’t come here to fit in and just be normal — but I guess you already got that.
The add-on is:
You didn’t come that far only to come that far. With great magic comes great responsibility. You can have it all to yourself and nothing is wrong with that…but if you are craving more authenticity, deeper fulfilment, higher purpose, there is a whole next level that’s becoming available to us now, on the precipice of the new decade.

This next level is an invitation to spearhead a reclamation that’s been centuries in the making.
The reclamation that the great-grandmothers of our great-grandmothers burned for.
The reclamation that has the potential to change the trajectory of human history.

Can you sense it?
And are you willing to participate in it?

Photo by Ramón Salinero on Unsplash

Violetta Pleshakova