
Let’s have a conversation about bringing our FULL selves to social media (especially as magical beings building businesses through the use of online spaces).

Recently I've heard several people - friends, clients, colleagues - share along one of the following lines:
1) they aren't feeling fully free to share their 100% authentic selves because of what person X might think/say/do - so they play it safe
2) they experience that their most authentic Soul-powered content is not landing with their current audience (which contains all kinds of random people like past coworkers, former classmates, mom's neighbor etc.) - so they don't share their 100% "hell yes" stuff but settle for palatable 85%
3) they dare to go full out but then get some backlash telling them to 'tune it down' - so they feel discouraged, lose motivation and crawl back into their spiritual closet

All these scenarios lead to one same result:
Brilliant people withhold their best work from the world and therefore aren't living their purpose fully.
Read that again.

That's Soul-crushing. That's why it has to stop. Like, right fucking now.

To make it fully clear, let me break it down to the exacts so you can see the absolute absurdity of what you're doing each and every time you fall into one of the three scenarios outlined above and censor yourself as the outcome.

Each and every time you withhold your Soul truth, your original essence, you are:
a) giving your power away to people who don't really care about your truth
b) letting those people determine the direction of your business, the course of your life, the level of your success
c) leaving yourself with pain of the ungiven that can easily turn into depression etc.
d) making your Soul very, very unhappy
e) stalling your divine destiny

Oh and by the way. Let's do a quick responsibility check here.
Who is tuning it down when the critics, real or imaginary, start messing with your head? YOU.
Who is the one and only person capable of ending this abominable Soul-crushing fuckery and starting to show up 100%? YOU.

Stop screwing yourself over by letting a bunch of random people determine the course of your destiny.
Stop allowing yourself to be influenced by the (unsolicited) opinions of people who are not genuinely interested in supporting you. Had they been genuinely interested, they would have been celebrating the expression of your truth, not pushing their agendas. If they aren't willing to put their projections aside and support you, they don't get to a have a say.

Stop trying to please everyone because newsflash: you just can't.

This is the one thing you simply need to find the guts to do if you want to live authentically - take your power back, choose your Soul and your truth over anything else, and be willing to handle the consequences.
Because the days of inquisition are over. They can't touch you, they can't kill you, they can't lock you up. They have NO power over you unless you hand it over willingly.
No more excuses.
Time to rise.


Now that we are clear on the importance of showing up, I have the real kicker for you:

People talk about showing up “more” authentically…well, that’s absolutely useless (in my opinion). Because “more” just won’t do it.

It’s either 100%, or nothing.

I think the time has come to show up 100% or get out of the way, and make space for people who are willing to operate on that level and give their whole selves to whatever it is they’re doing.

I’ll explain.

Unless you say a full irrevocable “yes” to your 100% self, trying to show up “more” and never actually hitting that 100% alignment means that you are still operating from the energy of hiding.


Even a slight trace of dimming your light, not saying what you really wanna say, substituting your own truth for someone else’s advice etc. means that you have traces of inauthentic frequencies in your field. And to the degree you are still attached to carrying these frequencies, you are keeping your true destiny away.

There is a world of a difference between FULL expression and “more” expression.

This difference has to do with life energy: anything less than 100% of pure Soul essence and original undiluted frequency, leaves space for untrueness/inauthenticity to enter.

See, you are an alchemical container in your own right. The space is never empty – if it is not filled with YOUR frequency, other frequencies – ranging from basic level social conditioning, “the matrix”, other people’s energies to full-on dark agendas and mind control – will seek to occupy the space. You don’t want that, do you? So, start clearing your field and filling it up with your original essence. It has everything you need in order to succeed, and so much more.

If you are wondering why you aren't as successful as you think you should be, here is your answer.

It could be so that, as outlined earlier, you have energetically signed the ownership of your business (and maybe even your life) over to some lame-ass naysayers who don't want your truth, don't get it and aren't even meant to get it. You have not been fully IN your business, as yourself.

If you have been feeling like the Universe doesn't support you enough, I've got news for you.

Bad news: the Universe isn't interested in supporting the energy of “trying” to make it work, mediocrity, lukewarm self-expression and inauthentic ways of being.

Good news: you ARE brilliant in your essence, everyone is. No need to wonder if you have what it takes - the answer is yes, you do. But it is your responsibility to unearth that genius and share it without diluting it.

And even better news: your Soul will keep pushing you to dig through the layers of bullshit and release them, and the Universe will keep orchestrating your reality in a way that will evoke your authentic self and break down the rest. It won’t be comfortable; it’s tough love from the Soul realm motivating you to get radically aligned. Like a cosmic chiropractor or something…)


Success comes from alignment, and alignment follows authenticity.

Authenticity requires 100%, not 99% calibration.

This is the work we are here to do, and it is a never-ending process.

There is no final destination, no perfection, no standard – only a devotional path to follow.

And on this path, may our Souls lead the way.

Image by Kelly Sikkema on

Violetta Pleshakova