
Are you feeling it too?..

A subtle, yet at the same time life-altering transition into the new era of sacred intuitive divine feminine leadership.

This transition is not just some fancy talk about 5D consciousness, ascension, and epic Goddess comeback.

It is a full-on paradigm shift in the domain of feminine leadership – and it is here for real, especially noticeable in the world of online entrepreneurship, coaching, and healing. It constitutes the (re)birth of a fifth-dimensional woman.


This (re)birth means that we - fifth-dimensional, highly conscious, awake, spiritual women - are emerging out of a cocoon. 


A cocoon of centuries-long oppression, fear, and disconnection from our spiritual gifts. A cocoon of patriarchal programming and denial of the Divine Feminine. A cocoon of our personal and collective pain.


We are shape-shifting. Resurfacing. Rising.

We are liberating and redefining ourselves this very moment.


This (re)birth is everywhere – in how we communicate and connect, in how we market and promote our services, in how we run our businesses, in how we show up in our relationships and daily lives.


We are getting out of the spiritual closets en masse, and embracing our spirituality, sensitivity, and intuitive gifts with relentless incorruptibility.

It is no longer okay for us to talk about spirituality in hushed voices, and be ashamed of it, like we used to be ashamed of sex. It is no longer okay to be questioned or looked downed on for who we are as spiritual beings. It is also no longer okay to be underpaid as healers of this world.

It is safe for us to put the word “witch” on our business cards, and use the word “Priestess” as a defining statement reflective of our core spiritual identity. It is safe for us to reconcile the head and the heart, the mundane and the magical.


We are claiming spirituality as a legitimate profession, knowing that it is not just a business niche for us – it is actually our life’s work.


We still feel frustrated that it takes time to get our message and positioning right. We might struggle with owning our voice and dropping comparison. We get discouraged when our heartfelt work goes unnoticed, lost in the noise of the online world. And we sense that traditional ways of doing things need to be redefined.


This redefinition starts with us radically owning up to the glory of our Souls, and refusing to be anything less than the radiant beings we really are.


We don’t want to settle. We aren’t here to negotiate. We want contribution, we want service, we want LOVE.

So we are becoming exactly that – walking embodiments of everything we are here to create.


We are willing to not only break the rules – but also to ignore them completely, moving into our natural creativity and unpredictable experimentation.

The days of “proven systems”, “signature programs” and “step-by-step formulas” for business success are long gone for us. We refuse to play the online marketing game. We don’t want to create some carefully calculated strategies, we want to be free.


The tools that everyone seems to be using aren't even working for us, so we set out to design our own. Actually, we aren’t really designing, we are “downloading” and channeling them, straight from our Souls. Invocations, crystal grids, DNA activations, and Akashic record clearings are all fair game – and to the astonishment of skeptics, it’s mostly these “woo-woo” tools that get the job done for us.


We are easily tired of the Internet and its noise. We want real connections with soulmate clients who feel drawn to our energy, not our sales pitch. Actually, the more we anchor ourselves in this intention, the easier it gets to meet like-minded sisters on this journey. Serendipities and beautiful connections occur, because in our hearts we know that we are not alone, we are entering this new reality together.


We want to be honest, we want to be pure. We realize that the platforms and tools available to us have been heavily tainted with inauthenticity, and we take it upon ourselves to change that. We are ready for some radical truth-telling, so we start revealing more of ourselves to our communities and clients. We can no longer uphold the pressure of Facebook groups and the dolled-up “girlboss” narratives of Instagram. We want to show our faces without make-up but with traces of tears, so that the world can finally see the real raw truth about our lives. And this truth ain’t always pretty – however, we know that it is always sacred.


We are experiencing spiritual highs of pure bliss, followed by deep lows of despair. We are torn between "this is my mission, I am here to do this" and "nobody wants what I have, everything is pointless".

This is exactly how the old age is falling away and the new age is being born. There is some push and pull, some grey zones and in-between transformational times. This means that there are days when we look like shadows of ourselves, and days when we feel on top of the world. There are moments of losing our shit and throwing in the towel, and then moments of absolute peace and exhilarating faith.

We give ourselves permission to be a hot mess and a queen of grace all at the same time. We are ready to witness and hold each other through all of it. We are willing to document and share our most vulnerable moments, because this is what makes us relatable.

And this is what sets us free.


We know that there’s no turning back now.

The old paradigm is no longer a vibrational match for our new heightened frequencies.


There is no option left but to build our own path, laying down the foundations word by word, talk by talk, post by post.


We are the innovators. We have no reference point for our new creations.

We are literally building something from nothing. 


We cannot see the full picture of the new way yet. We are tentatively sketching it, writing it with our very own blood, sweat, and tears. We are beyond approval, confirmation, and external validation. Nobody can give it to us because almost nobody gets what we are trying to do and be. We are becoming our own sources of all and everything, and it feels liberating to do so.


We are in the eye of the storm, and the waves are so intense that at times we can hardly take it.

We know this work has to be done, and experience less and less resistance to the contractions of this (re)birth.

From deep within, we summon deep courage and relentless grace.

We open up to the struggle and the bliss, the pain and the joy. We start speaking in manifestos and dreaming in poems. In our hearts we discover a bottomless well of trust – trust that is larger, greater, sweeter than anything we have ever known.


Once we tap into that well and bath in its waters, the cocoon is ready to fall away, and our newfound wings spread wide.

Picture by Naletu on