
Every week has a mood, and every week is an invitation to anchor yourself into a vibe. The energetical undertone of a week creates context, alters perspective, impacts experience - and it is possible to deliberately craft that undertone, reflecting your desired version of reality.

I think the key is tuning into the flavor of your intended frequency and getting clear on the exact lens that you wanna be looking through, energetically. That lens depends on what kind of reality you wish to become a vibrational match for. Say, you want your reality to be inspiring and full of aliveness. What exact frequencies do you need to embody and fill yourself up with to bring that experience about?

Next up, you'd need to find the best 3D expression of the chosen frequencies to ground it all in the "real world".

The starting point is always language - it sets the tone. Words are anchors. That's why stating a weekly intention is not as boring or "basic" as it may seem. Think of it less as a coaching tool and more as a magic wand that moves the quantum field. Find words that evoke resonance, that stir your Soul.

After words come symbols. You need symbols that represent frequencies and express them in ways that your human system can interpret easily. What little tweaks, practices, add-ons, tools can ground your desired energetical state into being? How can you implement that on a daily basis?

To give an example.

This week I am tuning into the Heart space. The energies of kindness, compassion, deep appreciation and love. These are the frequencies.

A way to represent and anchor them is: look for ways to BE more kind and loving to people, express appreciation, practice self-compassion. How exactly? Here come the symbols. For me they are: warm baths, cozy cardigan that feels like I am wearing a sheep costume, white lillies, rooibos tea, and those special, expensive lemon melt cookies to go with it. This is what I dive into and surround myself with. On repeat, I am talking to myself in sentences that make me feel safe and loved, and I affirm to my Heart everything that it needs to hear.

And that way, a day turns into a living prayer, and a week turns into an energetical wave that moves me.

To recap:

  1. Tune into your desired experience of the week (or the day etc.)

  2. Formulate what energetical states - frequencies - represent that

  3. Choose the exact words to best capture the frequencies, create statements, affirmations etc. to help hold that presence

  4. Choose symbols and tools and practical small tweaks to represent the frequency

  5. Fill yourself up with words and symbols and keep using both to call in the 3D expression of the desired frequency

Photo by Melnychuk Nataliya on Unsplash

Violetta Pleshakova