
Undercover agents of transformation.

Stellar heart-centered leaders on a mission.

Visionaries with a rebel streak, warrior spirits on a Soul-guided quest.


You are the ones who feel intensely, and care way more than most.

The ones whose passion is deep, whose dreams run wild, whose hearts beat for a cause.

The ones who never give up, who change the world from the inside out through being the way, who pioneer the new paradigm.

You live on the crossroads of the divine and the human, the magical and the mundane – part healer, part revolutionary, you are a mix of majesty and maverick.


You are a Blueprint Changer if you resonate with most of the following:


1) You have a burning desire to be a force of good in this world, and feel a sense of responsibility for our collective future. You just care - more than an average person does. You are strongly connected with your vision for the world, and believe that there is a better way.

2) You thrive on having a cause to work for, and need to have a strong sense of purpose in your life. No matter what you do in your life, you aren’t in it for the lifestyle or status – you are in it for the cause.

3) You have a calling for leadership, and love taking responsibility. You don't shy away from challenge, and are willing to "get your hands dirty". You are the one to "go there" - to shadowy places and complex issues. You want to unpack and unveil it all. Nothing is off limits for you.

4) Your Heart is your compass. You lead with your Heart not your head. You are willing to go above and beyond to do the right thing. You are intuitive, sensitive, possibly even psychic.

5) You have always felt "different" and unique: sometimes even fellow awake/conscious/spiritual people don't get you. It often feels like there is no map for your journey, no reference point for your identity.

6) You have amazing perseverance and resilience - and at the same time you notice that things don't come on a silver platter to you. You can hang in there, and do the work. You don't give up easily, and possibly have endured great adversity in your life.

7) You are naturally inspiring, and transform others through being the change and walking the talk. You are naturally charismatic and move people into action. You are a great motivator and catalyst.

8) Your story is your teaching, and you teach when you need to learn. Sometimes, you will be going through tough stuff just so you can understand it deeply and help others. What seems to be working for others – proven systems and steps – just don’t work for you. You are wired differently, and there is no manual to how you tick. You are a trailblazer in your own right, and you have to find out most things by simply going through them.


NB: I use the notion “Blueprint Changer” in a slightly different sense than that of a Soul group that some Akashic Records classifications specify.

To me it is a paradigm of being, not a starseed origin group per se. Although all Blueprint Changers are starseeds, not all starseeds are Blueprint Changers.

What makes Blueprint Changers distinct is that they operate on the intersection between stellar origin, inherent uniqueness, passion for change, being heart-guided and purpose-driven, while being specifically wired to BE the change and initiate it through leading by example.


As a Blueprint Changer, you are one of a kind, and you are needed.

Because the ability to create systemic change is in your Soul’s DNA.

Because the vision for a better world is encoded in your essence.

Because resetting this planet’s blueprint back to Love – through doing the work of transformation, healing and leading – is your sacred contract.

Your inherent purity and loyalty to Love, tenacity and resilience, strong faith and sense of purpose, devotion and dedication, courage and commitment are the core gifts this planet needs right now.


However, your path on Earth is far from easy.

In fact, you often have it harder than most – because:

  • Your Soul vibration rate is higher than average, which makes you basically a stellar genius in disguise, so this vibrational difference accounts for the discomfort you might feel while being in a body, and for your challenges with relating to fellow human beings – to put it in a very simplistic way, you are used to hanging out with Ascended Masters in initiation temples (or something like that) so being on Earth is somewhat…different.

  • You are generally more sensitive and intense than average, so whatever happens to you is felt really deeply. By Soul contract, you often choose to go through difficulties so you can experience the broken codes in the blueprint and change them from the inside out. It can get really, really intense for you. Also…you are so keen on making a difference that you often take on more than you can handle, and end up in overwhelming circumstances that push your edge.

  • You had plenty of tough missions on Earth before, and some of them took a toll on your Soul. You’ve got karma, and it ain’t always pretty. See: witch hunts, fall of Atlantis, dealings with “the dark side”, persecution, abuse, and so on.


To sum it up, your main challenges are:


  • You feel like you have enormous potential but sometimes don't know what it is exactly, where to start, and how to bring it into the world.

  • You feel scared of your own power, and seem to be unable to break through the invisible wall.

  • Your karmic pain has a lot to do with fears of persecution, victimization, being silenced or having to hide your true nature.

  • You often feel trapped on this planet, unable to deeply relate to anyone, isolated, alone, like the world’s best kept secret.

  • You care so much and want to help so much that sometimes you burn out, or lean towards perfectionism, and feel that nothing is ever good enough, you doubt yourself and can be your own biggest critic.


Where does your healing come from? Here are the basic suggestions:


  • Exploring your Soul essence, and embracing the full truth of who you really are

  • Calling your power back, and learning to own it

  • Healing your karmic wounds, and releasing energy blocks

  • Embracing your uniqueness, ending all compromise, standing your ground, and expressing who you are

  • Receiving support from fellow Blueprint Changers, opening your heart to others, deepening into self-love and trust

  • Learning to manage your energy through alchemical principles and tools, and finding solace in devotion and strong spiritual connection with your Soul and Source

  • Fueling your mission and vision, and nourishing your sense of purpose


What’s waiting on the other side is:

Standing in your truth without compromise, calling your power back and owning it, making peace with being on Earth, feeling more grounded and safe, embracing and expressing your uniqueness…

….and so much more


You might be wondering: where to from now?


I urge you to start with exploring and embracing your unique nature and Blueprint Changer abilities.

Consider the possibility that a) you are endowed with the power to BE the systemic change from within and b) you have an important role to play in our collective evolution. And it doesn’t mean that you need to become a head of state, a leader of a movement, a founder of an NGO or something like that, although you certainly can. What it does mean is that you have your own field of work in the collective blueprint, and it all starts with acknowledging and developing your ability to enable change, your power to make a difference, and your devotion to love.


As a Blueprint Changer, you need healing and you need training.

Most things out there are not deep enough for you, or simply don’t fully address your needs, because they were not developed with Blueprint Changers in mind.


I intend to close this gap, and provide a unique learning and healing paradigm for Blueprint Changers that honors their nature, supports their mission, and activates their abilities. You can explore how you can work with me here>>

PS: May you always stay true to who you really are, liberate your magic, love it and live it!





Photo by David Huang on Unsplash.com