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You have a Soul Mission that feels larger than life…

You are multidimensional, highly coded, heart led, devoted, gifted, and… different.

An outlier, a blueprint changer, a visionary wayshower, a wild card.

You want to build a business that abundantly sustains you and create a body of work that you can be truly proud of - without compromising your values, downplaying your magic, or losing yourself in the conventional online business game.

For someone like you, there is no other choice but to BECOME the paradigm shift that you are secretly dreaming of.

For someone like you, the only way forward is to say “yes” to your Divine Assignment, step out of the shadows into the spotlight, and take your rightful place as a powerful cosmic leader that you were born to be.

Settling for anything less than your Soul Destiny is no longer an option - you have to go ALL IN.

Sounds like you? Join me for:


a 6-month spiritual business mastermind for ambitious mystics and rising cosmic leaders


SOUL FIRE is an immersive, intimate group experience for deeply mystical, wildly unique, multidimensional spiritual entrepreneurs who desire high-touch support with growing their businesses in a way that is Soul-guided, rooted in integrity, and driven by purpose.

For 6 months in this mastermind, you will be receiving not only personalized mentoring&coaching on the strategy side of your business, but also game-changing energy work and transformational leadership development.

Together, we will focus on building your legacy from the inside out, in devotion to your Soul Destiny.

Being in this mastermind can help you:

  • Clarify your vision and turn your business into a vehicle for your purpose

  • Unlock your genius and understand the role you are meant to play in your industry

  • Become unshakeable in the embodiment of your values and essence

  • Cultivate confidence that is rooted in connection with your Soul, not hype

  • Master the energetics of business and learn how to co-create results with Subtle Realms

  • Calibrate to your organic timeline and financial frequency that honors God and Life

  • Develop a portfolio of offerings that feel like art and leverage your strengths

  • Attune your marketing to the heartbeat of your soulmate clients and draw them in

  • Refine your content and your self-expression online so that you can be seen by the right people

  • Develop trust in your unique way of doing business (beyond external blueprints and success teachings)

  • Be nourished by a community of stellar humans who get you and support you fully


TESTIMONIAL: “Working with Violetta has been a dream come true. Being in her programmes is the most divinely aligned, activating and elevating experience. The Soul Fire mastermind has taken me into new levels of sovereignty and success in my work and business, and there is no going back for me. It has opened up whole new aspects of my being, allowing me to work with wonderful clients in a way that aligns with my higher purpose, while tending to my human needs and desires.

It's impossible to summarise the exquisite interweaving of depth, skills, insight, expertise and embodiment that Violetta holds. I am in awe of her leadership and integrity, and her unique combination of sharp intellect and pragmatism, with high priestess devotion and powerful channel. She offers all of this so generously, and with such grace and authenticity, as well as humility and humour. Her attunement to what each unique person in the group requires is incredibly tailored and on point. I feel deeply seen and supported by her, in all my complexity and challenges, and in my true power and potential. 

Being a part of this intimate group of stellar women from across the globe is truly a gift. More than anything, it is an investment in my own evolution, and my capacity to impact others through my work and beyond. I am forever grateful that I said yes to the calling of my soul, and to being guided and resourced in such a potent and beautiful way”.

- Delphine O'Keeffe, Soul Oracle and Psychotherapist


SOUL FIRE mastermind pillars



What legacy are you building? What is the essence of your mission and the core of your message? What makes you unique? What does your Soul desire to create through you? What are you most deeply devoted to? By aligning with your highest Soul path, you can begin to leverage your energy in a streamlined way.



Guidance without implementation is just fantasy - you have to figure out the building blocks of your dream, and start laying down the foundation of your legacy with the big picture in mind. Action that is derived from your Soul Truth is pure power, because it channels your essence and allows you to find momentum.



Leading a business from Soul guidance will bring up your shadows and blinds spots - they invite you into an even deeper embodiment of your Light. This is the process of transmuting pain into purpose, alchemizing your blocks into revelations, and distilling the unique medicine that you are here to share.


This is for you if:

  • You are in the coaching/healing/spiritual industry in some capacity, as a practitioner or a service provider

  • Your primary motivation for being in business is contribution and service

  • You are actually amazing at what you do, and feel that it is time to amplify your impact (and income)

  • You are tired of being the “hidden gem” of the industry… but you refuse to play the rigged game of online business and don’t resonate with mainstream strategies

  • You are deeply spiritual and have an existing connection with your intuition and subtle realms

  • You want support on the level of strategy and energetics, and are resourced to implement on your own

  • You have done your foundational healing work (e.g. therapy) and feel resourced to go ALL IN

  • You love self-inquiry, can look at your blind spots, and are committed to implementing your insights

  • You have been in business for at least 1-2 years, have created amazing results for your clients, and have the basics in place (an online presence, some offerings, a sense of direction - the backbone that you can refine and build upon) OR you are an accomplished professional who is super motivated to start building a new Soul-powered, purpose-driven business on the foundation of other life and work experience

This is NOT for you if:

  • You are not ready to prioritize your business, it is more of a hobby, you are not sure if you even want to grow it

  • Your main motivation for being in business is to make a lot of money, fast OR (on the other end of the spectrum) you are wedded to the broke humble healer identity

  • You have no desire to use social media or create content

  • You just want a “done for you” strategy and aren’t prepared to dig deeper

  • You still have a lot of personal healing to do and do not feel stable enough to focus on your business

  • You are sceptical about energy realms and intuition

  • You are not able or willing to invest in your business at the moment

Feeling the fire?



Six months of spiritual business mentoring, leadership development, energy alignment, and intuitive guidance

Personalized 1:1 onboarding process on Telegram

3 group calls per month, 75-90 min each (a mix of personalized coaching, energy work, Q&A and training) - call times will be chosen once the group has been formed

Training modules on hot business&leadership topics

Feedback on your offerings, content, ideas etc.

Ongoing Telegram group chat for support Monday to Friday

Quantum weaving on the Inner Planes



SOUL FIRE Round 3 will commence in September 2024.

Get on the waitlist for early bird enrolment opportunities (to give you a benchmark, the investment is around 5000 euro).


You are the Keeper of the Flame - a cosmic one awakened, an ancient one reborn. This is your invitation to ignite the fire of your Soul Destiny, and impact the world with your Light.


TESTIMONIAL: “I am beyond happy for my time in Soul Fire, and that I now enter round 2! The mastermind has been a complete game changer for me. Last year I knew I was going to need some "outside fire" to get myself back out of the darkness after a couple of tough years going through grief, and feeling like having lost my creative and business spark following a difficult time in my life. After starting Soul Fire, I truly started to come back out of my cave, and after about three months in the container I felt like I had fully returned to myself, being able to actually feel myself again, and also having found that commitment towards my work and mission, and the pleasure within that again. Soul Fire was crucial to this process. Even my husband agrees - when I mentioned I was thinking about doing another round, he instantly said DEFINITELY DO IT, it's so good for you! And he's right. The ripples are real! I am beyond grateful for this container, for Violetta’s amazing support, for her incredible wisdom and the pure, invigorating fire of this journey. It was the best investment into myself and my future that I could have made. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” - Klara, Germany


My business story

I qualified as a coach back in 2011, and started my first business in the industry in 2013. To paint you a picture of my evolution…

Me “then”: overworked and overwhelmed; spreading myself too thin and doing everything alone; distracted from my main mission due to saying “yes” to various side projects; charging so little that my income covered only the essentials and I had to scramble to afford things like mentorship and travel; often feeling disappointed and let down by life.

Me now: centered and spacious; crystal clear on my mission and business vision; no longer caring about external validation; deeply supported by an amazing mastermind and a superstar VA; crossing the coveted financial milestones in the industry; rooted in my essence and having complete trust in myself, my Soul, and God.

It took a decade of relentless business experimentation, continuous refinement, multiple pivots, deep healing, and unwavering devotion.

I feel absolutely thrilled to help you collapse time and find more ease on your business path. Got questions about the mastermind?


TESTIMONIAL: “I am beyond blessed to have been a part of Violetta’s mastermind these past months. On a soul level I have a deeper knowing of who I am, a deeper trust in my self and the mission I came here to live. Violetta holds such a pristine container for transformation and through this experience of being seen, heard and understood I have grown so much in who I am. The experience for me has been life changing and I’ll cherish it always”. - Tara, USA


SOUL FIRE mastermind is here to pioneer the Vessel Way of doing business. It is the non-linear entrepreneurship path - the paradigm of leading your business in alignment with your Soul Destiny, in devotion to Something Greater, powered by Energy Mastery and co-creation with Subtle Realms.


This path is not a teaching, and it is not a trend. It is a calling and a knowing, a remembrance and a crystallization of something that your whole being has always been in resonance with. 

The ones who choose to run their businesses the Vessel Way will receive a reward that is hardly quantifiable - it is the satisfaction that stems from operating as the living breathing embodiment - EMANATION - of your Essence.

If you decide to follow this path, you will gradually lose interest in claiming a seat the table and start directing your energy towards crafting your own picnic in the woods (or at the beach), away from all the hustle and hype… and the only one that you will ever need to “get in the room with” will be God. The right people will feel the frequency of your undiluted pure Soul Truth and seek you out, and the wrong ones will fall away.

When you align your business with your Destiny and start running it from Soul Guidance, success and money and clients stop being the things you chase and become the natural by-products of your devotion.

Are you ready to throw away the rules, defy the odds, and shift the paradigm of spiritual business?


TESTIMONIAL: The Soul Fire container came at the right time, as I was launching my new business (a complete U-turn of what I had done until then). I loved the companionship of other incredible women walking similar paths. I loved Violetta’s teachings and energy work around business, a wild mix of spiritual and down-to-earth coaching. Violetta shares her experiences as a spiritual leader in the business world and this is priceless. How to communicate about the intangible, the unseen. How to use the mundane practicalities of social media to your advantage, while respecting your inner workings and your own ecology. How to stay in devotion to your mission even though there is doubt. And more importantly, how to do this in joy and abundance. Because we do not have to suffer to thrive”. - Geneviève, Switzerland



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